Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Toyota Saga Continues

Is this a witch-hunt, a political squabble, or a media frenzy, to ruin Toyota image. Fist let us, not compromise safety for a few dollars or bragging right.

Issue #1 Toyota accelerator problem, #2 Brake failures #3 Steering concern, all are electronic control components. As technology grows every manufacturer is plying the same route but you never know which one will have their share of problems or when.

The fact is every manufacturer have their share of problems however, some are concealed. Perhaps you would like to see the real proof, ok just look at their TSB’s and you will scratch your head in disbelief and then understand that based on the number of complaint any of those can later become a recall.

To take it a step further, investigate all their data and recall records on safety and compare it with current issues in the auto industry and you will see that it is astounding.

Over the years I have worked with engineers fixing complex issues on vehicles both mechanical and electronic most are found and fix within a reasonable time, some take a while longer, but eventually get fixed. The hardest ones to fix are the intermittent problems, they sometimes takes a while to regenerate.

A flight data recorder is necessary to capture the event as it happens and then share this information with the public, this could be the only way for Toyota to stay righted or correct image control, otherwise tomorrow it could be number 4, 5, 6, 7 and more for Toyota as the hunt continues.

Just for thoughts, if you build a product and have less than 1% failure, do you stop making the product all together, or address quality control. However, the real question is, is the product any good.

[Via http://acs8.wordpress.com]

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