Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Obama Legacy

i was just reading a piece over at Conservative Patriot’s blog about Obama’s successes and failures in this last year and i got to thinking once again of his accomplishments.

Skyrocketing unemployment, plummeting dollar, takeovers of the auto and banking industries… i won’t bore you to tears with the list.

Actually it’s becoming so overwhelming that to go through what this man and his cronies have done in this last year is almost beyond belief.

And, as Mr. Black points out: all of these failures and successes have cost both him and the left.

With a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14 and an overall disapproval rating of 53%, is it any wonder that candidates who espouse Conservatism are sweeping the elections?

This is just one of the coattails this man has: Toxicity!

I remember people openly blaming the Clintons for the Republican takeover of Congress in ‘94… there was talk of how the Clintons were the ruination of the Democrat party.

They were PIKERS compared this man and the damage he has done to the Democrat Party.

The problem is: He has not been alone. This is a party peopled by the far left without ANY room for any voices except those who would make this into a Socialist nation.

We could go through a long list of people who have either seen the Democrat Party move away from them or who have been ostracized and literally thrown out because it has been taken over by the radical extreme left.

Puh-Losie, Reed, Sebilius, and all the others have been there all along. They have just been biding their time to come forth and show their true colours.

They act as though the last election was not just the American people voting them in, but rather a mandate to ‘remake the fabric of American society’. The Constitution be damned! Who really knows what’s in it anyway? Who cares?

And now… they are willing, no, make that fully engaged in the destruction of the Democrat Party in order to revamp America and turn it into a Socialist society.

They know full and well that they will be disgraced in the endeavor, but they are willing to throw themselves on their swords for the furtherance of the Socialist agenda.

It’s always been acknowledged that converts make the most zealous followers, but the most dangerous of believers are those who would sacrifice themselves for their faith… we see this everyday around the world as people commit suicide in the name of their god.

Instead of sacrificing themselves for religious principles; these people are doing it in the name of destroying the very country that made it possible for them to stand up and speak in the first place.


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