Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mr. Dumont.

So my co-worker played two year for the Philadelphia 76ers, he’s taking a break and putting his Masters in Psychology to use. He’s pretty much making gas money working with us. He’s got his money invested in a couple restaurants and properties, so he’s sitting pretty right now. He picked up this BMW 335i on 20’s last week for a daily. I took the crappy pics from my phone.

He’s still spending that NBA money like it ain’t no thang. You should see his weekend cars.

Must Be Nice!


Holland & Holland Range Rover by Overfinch: Gun and booze hauling reaches its zenith

Holland & Holland Range Rover by Overfinch: Gun and booze hauling reaches its zenith: ”

Filed under: SUV, Europe, Land Rover, UK, Luxury, Off-Road

Holland & Holland Range Rover by Overfinch – Click above for high-res image gallery

This, friends, is how one rolls. Behold the Holland & Holland Range Rover by Overfinch, a joint effort between the gunmaker, Land Rovers bespokery and, well, Bacchus. One hundred tweed-wearing pheasant slayers will have the opportunity to drive this sybaritic super sled to the hunting grounds. Frankly, one wonders why anyone would ever bother leaving the SUV. This ultimate Range Rover is outfitted with a gorgeous, custom-integrated gun cabinet, a cavernous backseat console/fridge, and a liquor cabinet nicer than anything youd find in Don Drapers office. Our favorite feature? Well, the liquor itself is ’self-replenishing,’ meaning that for the first year of ownership, Holland & Holland Rangie owners will have the vehicles booze supply refilled automatically. Think of it like bottled water home delivery, only with single-malt scotch, small-batch gin, and other fine adult refreshments.

Naturally, all the interior trim is customized to match the cabinetry, which, in turn, can be made to match the customers Holland & Holland firearms. The paint colors offered are exclusive to this model, of course, and the exterior is dolled up with unique trim and wheels as well. Aspiring Limey ballers take note — you can even swap the standard dubs with off-road rubber for a pavement-only 22′ wheel/tire package as well. The whole thing is deliciously ostentatious and wonderful. Power comes from either the blown 503-horse gasoline V8 or the diesel TDV8. It should come as zero surprise that this sort of exclusivity carries a dear price, so bring money. The H&H Range Rover will set you back at least £120K. Not that thatll be a problem for the target audience. For more, check out the PR after the jump.

Gallery: Holland & Holland Range Rover by Overfinch

[Source: Land Rover]

Continue reading Holland & Holland Range Rover by Overfinch: Gun and booze hauling reaches its zenith

Holland & Holland Range Rover by Overfinch: Gun and booze hauling reaches its zenith originally appeared on Autoblog on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 13:28:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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(Via Autoblog.)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

'The Guy's Manual'- Advice On Business And Life

I stumbled upon a really great section on the MSN site this morning.  They have a section called ‘The Guy’s Manual’ that is dedicated to giving guys real advice on work, relationships, home & family, style, play & sports, and auto & tech.  The fun part is that they do it through some hysterically funny videos.

Check this one out:

Telling Your Boss He’s Wrong

They also package some great aricles with tips on the same categories I mentioned above.  I love it!

Friday, September 25, 2009

100% electric Ford Focus featured on Leno

A 100% petroleum free electric car was featured on Leno last night. The car, made by Ford, is a Focus model that features the same hatchback as older models. The car surprisingly drove fast and was quick to accelerate as well. Mr. Conservative himself, Rush Limbaugh took the car for a spin around a track where he made sure he repeatedly ran into cardboard cutouts of Al Gore. Limbaugh claims, “Nobody would know this car was electric!” If he likes it, I bet many others will as well when the car gets mass produced in 2011.

Autofahrer-Blues (III)

Wie ich vermutet hatte, gibt es natürlich auch diese Woche wieder was zu erzählen.

Vorab eine Frage:
Findet ihr es auch so urkomisch, wenn auf der Autobahn die Leute mit 30 oder 40 kmh eine Abfahrt (bevorzugte Richtung: rechts) runter- oder rauffahren und sich dann so extrem in die Kurve hineinlegen, dass sie fast auf dem Beifahrersitz landen? Was soll das? Die Fliehkraft kann es ja wohl kaum sein, oder? Vielleicht zuviel Formel 1 geguckt?

Ein Freund und ich haben das auf jeden Fall diese Woche zum Anlass genommen und auf der Autobahn nachgespielt: Xtreme-Spurwechsling sozusagen. Jedes Mal, wenn ich die Spur gewechselt habe, legten wir beide uns in die jeweilige Richtung. Und hatten einen Heidenspaß, die Gesichter der anderen Autofahrer zu beobachten. Einfach mal nachmachen.


Ein Erlebnis der ganz besonderen Art hatte ich am Donnerstag Morgen. Ampel, zwei Rechtsabbiegerspuren, die linke frei, auf der rechten vor mir ein Mercedes. Wir fahren auf die Ampel zu, die gerade grün wurde. Vor der Ampel fährt der Mercedes auf die linke Spur, biegt ab, um dann in einem groooooßen Bogen vor mir auf die Tankstelle zu fahren, die sich kurz dahiner befand. Auf der rechten Seite, wohlbemerkt. Falls sich ein Ingenieur von Mercedes unter den geneigten Lesern befindet: ich an eurer Stelle würde den Wendekreis bei den Fahrzeugen etwas verringern. Oder lags gar nicht daran?


Und dann habe ich das hier gefunden: Studie der Versicherer,
Offenbacher fahren am schlechtesten.
Kann ich so nur unterschreiben. Nein, jetzt nicht das mit den Offenbachern, sondern dass die schlimmsten Autofahrer aus der Stadt kommen. Egal, aus welcher. Jedes Mal, wenn ich längere Zeit “auf’m Land” unterwegs war und zurückkomme, roll ich mit den Augen. Denn dann werde ich wieder geschnitten, bedrängelt und behupt, was das Zeug hält. Und denke so bei mir: “DAS hab ich jetzt überhaupt nicht vermisst!”


Und zum Abschluss noch ein Link. Es tröstet zu sehen, dass es auch in anderen Ländern genug Dummheit gibt. I Park Like An Idiot. Viel Spaß dabei.


Varste 0-6 luni

Click pe imagine pentru a accesa pagina de comanda!

Pretul normal: 550.00Lei Oferta noastra: 470.00Lei

Pret cu TVA


  • Se utilizeaza pentru copii care au greutate de la 9 pana la 36 kg (de la 9 luni pana la aproximativ 12 ani)
  • protectie totala in caz de impact
  • hamuri care pastreaza copilul ferm in scaun deoarece nu lasa corpul sa alunece, oferind in acelasi timp confort total (sunt realizate din material moale, placut la atungere) si protectie sporita
  • hamuri cu prindere in 5 puncte
  • perna pentru cap poate fi ajustata pe inaltime, oferind protectie sporita in caz de impact lateral
  • se prinde cu centura de siguranta a autovehicolului
  • poate fi utilizat si ca inaltator
  • scaun auto omologat.
  • Pentru a constata daca un scaun auto este omologat, puteti verifica daca are eticheta de omologare
  • scaun auto omologat conform standardului de siguranta European ECE R44/03

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Como ahorrar combustible en tu auto

¿Qué podemos hacer para reducir el consumo de combustible? Con esta serie de hábitos de uso y mantenimiento, podremos optimizar su consumo; con ello lograremos un ahorro a nuestros bolsillos. Además ayudaremos a contaminar un poco menos.

Uso correcto del vehículo :

1. Planifica las rutas para los desplazamientos, buscando siempre las más cortas o menos congestionadas.

2. Evitar las sobrecargas innecesarias en el vehículo. El uso del portaequipajes de techo, aún estando éste vacío, puede incrementar el consumo normal del vehículo de 2 a 35%

3. Menos aire acondicionado. El uso del aire acondicionado aumenta en 20% el consumo de combustible.

4. Cierra las ventanas. Los autos están diseñados para cortar el aire al avanzar, tener las ventanillas abiertas aumenta la resistencia con el aire del vehículo, aumentando con ello el consumo, ya que le cuesta más trabajo al auto avanzar.

5. Menor octanaje. Algunos vehículos permiten usar gasolinas de distintos octanajes. Lo mejor, es usar la recomendada por el fabricante y de ser posible la de menor octanaje. También es importante procurar cargar gasolina muy temprano en la mañana, ya que el frio de esa horta evitará que la gasolina se evapore y cargaremos un poco más de lo que cargaríamos con el mismo dinero al calor del medio día.

6. Revisar los consumos del vehículo periódicamente pues podemos detectar algún elemento deteriorado, que esté haciendo aumentar el consumo.

7. Para trayectos cortos, no!. En trayectos muy cortos el consumo se dispara. En estos casos es recomendable utilizar el transporte público.

8. Revisa los neumáticos. La presión de los neumáticos por debajo de lo normal aumenta el consumo por el mayor rozamiento del vehículo con el suelo, además de desgastar más los mismos. (por cada 0,3 libras menos de presión se aumenta en un 3% el consumo)

9. Mantimiento periódico. Se deben cambiar cuando corresponde el aceite, las bujías y los filtros pues de lo contrario se puede aumentar el consumo. Incluso el uso de un aceite incorrecto puede aumentarlo.

10. El revolucionar del motor debe ser correcto, un revolucionado demasiado alto provoca serios aumentos de consumo.

Estilo de conducción
Este punto puede hacer que ahorremos hasta un 15% en combustible:

11. Arrancar el motor sin acelerar y comenzar la marcha lo antes posible. En autos nuevos, ya no es necesario “calentarlo”.

12. Utilizar marchas prolongadas, en motores a gasolina el cambio de velocidad debe hacerse cuando estamos entre 2,000 y 2,500 revoluciones y en motores Diesel entre 1,500 y 2,000.

13. Cuando estamos acelerando…. se debe cambiar a la marcha más larga lo antes posible y al reducir de la manera más lenta posible. (Un motor en marcha corta y revolucionado consume mucho más).

14. Velocidad uniforme. Debemos procurar circular a una velocidad uniforme, sin aceleraciones y deceleraciones bruscas, que nos obligan a ir en marchas más cortas o a revolucionar más el coche. En resumen, hay que mantener la velocidad y procurar no tocar el pedal del freno.

15. Evitar velocidades elevadas. Un aumento del 20% en la velocidad produce un 44% de aumento en el consumo.

Second Hand mai scump ca nou

Cea mai ieftina masina din lume, Tata Nano, se vinde la mama ei, in India, cu un pret mai mare pentru second-hand decit pentru masina noua. Comercializata de noua cu un pret de 2700 de dolari, Nano ajunge sa coste la mina a doua nu mai putin de 3200 de dolari si asta pentru ca,  din cele 200.000 de masini precontractate pentru 2009, doar 2500 s-au vindut in septembrie, iar cererea este din ce in ce mai mare.  Deci, nou trend in industria auto, inspirat parca, de la indienii din Romania care cumparau bilete la meci si le vindeau la suprapret.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hennessey 2010 HPE700 Camaro Production Commences

Hennessey Performance Engineering has announced the beginning of production of their 2010 HPE700 Camaro. The company will produce three of the 755 horsepower vehicles every month, with delivery beginning in a few weeks.

The supercharged LS9 V8 engine is taken from the Corvette ZR1, and now produces a massive 717 ft-lb of torque, up by 122 ft-lb. Horsepower was originally announced to be 705 hp, already up from the engine’s original 620 hp rating. The engine does have a true, American musle car sound, as can be heard in the video.

To bring in all that power, Hennessey installed 15-inch carbon brakes, normally found on the ZR1. Lightweight wheels are wrapped in Michelin PS2 tires, and a customized suspension makes the car more legit. The tuners also added a decent amount of carbon fiber body panels and a hood with view of the engine, while bringing back the hidden headlights seen on Camaros of the past.

Those attending SEMA in Las Vegas will get a chance to see the 2010 HPE 700 Camaro. Thirteen orders have already been placed for the $119,500 car (not including shipping), which leaves eleven more left to be claimed.

Topul celor mai performante maşini de poliţie din lume...Police cars 4U!

Filmele în care au loc urmăriri spectaculoase cu maşini sunt palpitante şi incitante. În realitate, poliţiştii din lumea întreagă deţin maşini foarte performante, capabile să atingă viteze de multe ori mai mari decât maşinile ,,băieţilor răi”. Ne-am propus special pentru tine să colectăm 23 de maşini de poliţie deosebite, din lumea întreagă, din Europa până în Statele Unite ale Americii, din diferite ţări, inclusiv din România. Pentru această ,,cercetare”, am călătorit virtual pe următoarele site-uri: , , , şi .   Astfel, am reunit o serie de mărci care şi-au alăturat numele forţelor de ordine şi sunt gata de acţiune. 


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Since late spring of 2008, used car prices have been steadily raising based on a number of reasons that contributed toward these factors.

The recession, Job loss, and insecurity have caused buyers to hold off purchasing new vehicles, rental fleets have been holding on to their cars longer, and leaseholders are purchasing their vehicle after their lease term ends, and to make matters worse the CARS program that deplete inventory of almost 700.000 vehicles.

 It has been decades since used cars are in such short supply of almost 4 million units. Dealers are beginning to scramble for used vehicle by any means, even scanning used car classified for vehicle on sale, by private sellers and are trying to make a deal, in order to fill up their empty lots.

When you consider that, dealers could make more profit selling a used car verses new, you begin to understand why they have decide to pull out the conventional way of doing business, even offering you more on your trade-in, some dealers will even buy your vehicle if you don’t buy one from them that is how desperate they have gotten.

Right now it is a seller’s market, sellers could get premium for their used vehicle but do not let greed get in the way

Many sellers are looking at the blue book value and taking it as gospel, almost everyone I have asked this question about selling their car for blue book value said they would want the amount suggested and more, without taking into consideration, condition of vehicle, and various options that can offset the price significantly.

Be realistic ask yourself if you would pay that amount for a used vehicle, set a fair price I don’t mean give it away but again a fair price, and I guarantee your vehicle will be sold in a short time. I have not seen a properly priced vehicle remain on the market longer than average.

If you decide to sell to a dealer, keep in mind that they use the black book and not the blue book and would not pay you premium, but if you negotiate a price between both books and closer to your asking price for a profit then the deal maybe to your advantage.   

Take into consideration, how long have you being trying to sell your vehicle. How much does it cost you each week that the vehicle remain on the market and make a practical decision.

Leaf mit Blade Runner-Sounds?

Auf der Straße kann es zum Problem werden, wenn ein fahrendes Auto keinen Ton von sich gibt, weil wir Verkehrsteilnehmer uns auf alle unsere Sinne verlassen. Extrem leise Hybrid- und Elektroautos können so eine potentielle Gefahr vor allem für Radfahrer und Fußgänger darstellen.

Foto: GM-Volt

Nissan überlegt deswegen, für den Leaf auf künstliche Geräusche zurückzugreifen. Toshiyuki Tabata, der als Ingenieur bei Nissan seit vielen Jahren dafür zuständig ist, dass Fahrzeuge leiser werden, muss sich jetzt also um das umgekehrte Problem kümmern. Bis jetzt steht zwar noch nicht genau fest, wie das Elektroauto genau klingen wird. Laut diversen Newsmeldungen könnte der Leaf sich aber so anhören wie die Flugautos in dem Kultfilm Blade Runner, wenn er auf der Straße rollt *g*. Das Geräusch soll laut Tabata jedenfalls “wunderschön und futuristisch” klingen, wie ein Kunstwerk….

Wenn das EV eine Geschwindigkeit von 19 km/h erreicht hat, soll das Surren ausgeschaltet werden, weil dann die Räder genug “Lärm” verursachen, dass jeder das Auto wahrnehmen kann. Denkbar wäre auch, dass sich jeder eigene Sounds herunterladen kann und so seinem Leaf eine ganz individuelle Geräuschkulisse verpassen kann, so wie bei den Klingeltönen auf dem Handy. Hoffentlich sind dann aber keine nervenden dabei *g*.

Monday, September 21, 2009

La mariposita de Jessica Alba

“¡Siento un aire colado!”

“¡Ah caray, casi se me sale volando la butterfly!”

“¡Ni modo, ya todos los tiranetas vieron que tengo rayado el cucu!”

Francamente a mi no me gustan los tatuajes y menos en las mujeres, pero ahi veces que esas pinturas corporales permantes lucen bastante cachondos y mas cuando los porta una suculenta hembra que chorrea sensualidad por donde pasa.

Este es el caso de nuestra querida Jessica Alba. Esta mani mostro al mundo la aurea mariposita que adorna su muy deseado culito, al descuidarse y no cerrar la puerta de su auto cuando andaba contando la morralla que le dieron el el bacno (¡je,je!). Gracias a los omnipresentes paparazzos, el momento fue capturada para la posteridad. Nomas de imaginarme que yo era el suertudo que se sabroseo todo el traserito de Alba al hacerle el diseño me pone….ummm… ya saben como.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ein Tag in Ostfriesland

Das Auto mit dem ich in Sardinien unterwegs war musste zurück nach Lingen. Glücklicher Weise hat es so lange durchgehalten und ist nicht auseinander gefallen. (Obwohl es langsam anfing hier und da Macken zu zeigen)

Der Plan war von Lingen mit Bens neuem Vito noch 5 Tage an die Nordsee zu fahren. Der Benz ist der krasse Gegensatz zu dem VW, nix klappert, alles funktioniert, 2 Schiebetüren und vieles mehr, nur ein Radio hatte er (noch) nicht. Aber kurz bei MediaMarkt angehalten und eine hypermoderne Krawallmaschiene von Sony mit allen Schikanen besorgt. Nun wummert Bens Benz auch.

Ostfriesland kannte ich schon von einem Wochenende im Centerpark im Januar, aber im Sommer ist es hier noch besser. Grüne Deiche, aasende Kühe, Windmühlen und Leuchttürme. Besonders begeistert sind wir von den überaus netten Friesen, die immer mit einem geknatschtem „MOIN“ entgegenkommen. Witzige Kerlchen! (Nur die Frisenmädchen sind genau so schüchtern wie bei uns.)

Meine heimliche Intension für diesen Trip ist natürlich das Surfen und so sind wir den ganzen Tag auf der Suche nach geeigneten Revieren und kommen so gut rum. Großes Meer, Pilsumer Leuchtturm, Emsmündung (Knock) sind einige Stops auf unserer Tour durchs Herrschaftsgebiet des Störtebecker.

Von Spontanität geleitet stolpern wir über unbekannte Sehenswürdigkeiten und Events. Da wir nicht weiter als bis Jetzt planen, haben wir auch kein Stress und Not. So entschieden wir uns einfach mal so zum Rock gegen Smock an der Knock zu fahren ohne zu wissen, dass dort ein sehr korrekter Surfspot (im Meer und auf anderer Seite des Deichs in der Ems) ist. Fortuna steht auf mich!

Der Eintritt war umsonst und die Musi war allerbester Qualität. Am nächsten Tag konnten wir dann in der Emsmündung direkt Kite und Rigg nass machen.

Jetzt sitzen wir wieder im Mercedes und cruizen nach Norden (geiler Ortsname wa?) wo wir dann zur Norderney rüber wollen. Mal sehen was uns dort so alles erwartet.

Von Rix Endless Summer

Confirmed? Gran Turismo 5 hits stores on Dec. 29

Confirmed? Gran Turismo 5 hits stores on Dec. 29: ”

Filed under: Toys/Games

Well, we can put all the rumor-mongering to rest. Reader Larry Spector emailed us this morning with confirmation that Gran Turismo 5 will hit the shelves (and obliterate the productivity of thousands of PS3 owners) on December 29. Is Larry a sneaky Sony employee? Nope, he’s a regular Amazon user like the rest of us, and today, GT5 showed up as a Gold Box item for him. The pre-order page now features the release date, so wives, girlfriends, and other assorted family members expecting holiday togetherness can now formally make plans to leave us alone as we spiral into full-on, anti-social gamer mode the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Though, we have to say — releasing the game before Christmas might have been the smart move, guys. Regardless, order’s been placed. What’re you waiting for?

Gallery: Gran Turismo 5 screen shots


Confirmed? Gran Turismo 5 hits stores on Dec. 29 originally appeared on Autoblog on Fri, 18 Sep 2009 16:01:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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(Via Autoblog.)

A bigger diff!

I’ve also finished building a Chrysler 8.75 LSD (Limited Slip Differential) from parts I imported over and bought locally – and finally starting to arrange the new engine!!!

The Chrysler 8.75 Sure Grip LSD is a real heavy duty diff and came out on all the tuff Mopar muscle cars of the 60s and 70s, from the Maxwedge cars to the Hemi Challengers and Dodge Chargers. 

The pinion is heavier and thicker than a Ford 9”, and the 30 spline factory axles mean I don’t have to invest in expensive aftermarket gear.  Add to that the 11×2.5” rear brakes and its going to meet all my needs. 

I’m going to run 3.89 gears. This sees the engine revving at about 2800 rpm at 100 kph (64 mph) – so at 25 litres per 100 kilo ( 14.45 MPG) I don’t think I’ll be driving it interstate! 

Below is a pic of the comparative pinion shaft thicknesses – The 8.75 makes the Ford look completely puny!

Ive also re-used my spring clamps which keep the semi elliptical Chrysler leaf springs from wrapping, and Ive added a pinion snubber for extra insurance.


Leaf wrapping is caused by the pinion housing tilting up – which causes the the diff housing to rotate and this “picks up” or lifts the wheels off the ashpalt as it rotates backwards – thus a loss of traction.

So -

Spring clamps prevent the front part of the leaf from “wrapping” and so stop the pinion case from rotating.

Caltracks and traction/slapper bars do a similar thing to spring clamps but in some ways more effectively, they apply leverage against the spring and deny the pinion case any opportunity to tilt upwards which results in tyre “lift”.

Snubbers work a little differently – They “assume” some tilt will occurr, and as the pinion tilts up, the snubber presses against the floor pan.

Just as for the pinion/crown wheel re-action – Newton says “for every action there’s an equal and opposite” – In this case the pressure of the snubber against the floor pan applies an equal force downwards through the diff and tyres on to the ashpalt – thus increasing traction.

Best way to think of this is if you kick a wall, you go backwards.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Las Vegas Injury Law, Rollover Injurys & the GM Bankruptcy

Rollover Car Crashes in Las Vegas

A tragic accident on Interstate 15 highway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas when one of their vehicles rolled over, killing two family members and seriously injuring four others.

A  spokesman for the California Highway Patrol (CHP), told the Reporter that the van tumbled over into the center divider of the highway, ejecting four of the van’s passengers.

The four survivors were airlifted by a helicopter to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center and Loma Linda University Medical Center for severe injuries ranging from head and back trauma to abdominal injuries.  The recent bankruptcy of GM will impact how Las Vegan’s recover from roll over tragedies.

The GM Reorganization and Product Liability Claims

The U.S. Treasury Department is negotiating with more than a dozen state attorneys general to roll back two key features of General Motors Corp.’s bankruptcy plan that would have wiped out billions of dollars in potential claims from car-accident victims and closed auto dealers.

The discussions show how the federal government’s GM rescue is brushing up against the limits of its ambitious legal approach, which attempted to use the Bankruptcy Code to override many state legal contracts and protections.

This could ultimately expand the cost of GM’s $60 billion bailout, though government officials say it

shouldn’t delay the emergence of a “new GM” from bankruptcy protection.  This article recently made it on to the law professor blog for mass torts.

Law Professor Blogs Are

The permanent resources & links and daily news & information are designed to collect in one place materials helpful to law professors in their scholarship and teaching:

Permanent Resources and Links:

  • A list of all the law professors in the field, with links to their personal web pages, along with a list of recent lateral moves, entry level hires, and visiting appointments
  • A list of casebooks and other materials, with links to the books on the publisher’s web site
  • Links to working papers on SSRN, colloquia, and specialized law reviews
  • Links to professional organizations for faculty (AALS section, ABA section, etc.)
  • Links to think tanks, U.S., state & foreign law sources, publishers, and other web sites of interest

Victims Have Historically Been Able to Recover Their Damages

The Firestone lawsuit

The settlement of the $1 billion lawsuit a Texas family filed against Bridgestone/Firestone over a Ford Explorer rollover involving Firestone tires would be impossible under a bankruptcy discharge.

The settlement came in the first of more than 100 lawsuits filed against the Nashville, Tenn. -based company to come to trial since the recall of 6.5 million tires last summer. The tires have been linked to 203 traffic deaths and more than 700 injuries in the United States.

Firestone lawyers blamed the rollover on the design of the Ford Explorer and urged the jurors to hold Ford responsible. The Rodriguez family has settled with Ford for a reported $6 million.

Firestone attorneys introduced several internal Ford documents that said the Explorer had a propensity to lose steering control and roll over.

Dealerships That Historically Paid for Injuries cased by Their Negligence Will be Immunized if They Go Bankrupt

A passenger injured in a vehicle fire where the dealership was at fault reached a $250,000 settlement of his Phelps County personal injury case against a car dealership that attempted to repair a fuel-line leak a couple of days before the fire.

Wenzel was hospitalized at Maricopa for 13 days before he was released, and his parents took him back to Pennsylvania for recuperation. He received successful follow-up treatment for a year, leaving little to no visible scarring. His medical bills totaled $69,849.

Plaintiff’s automotive mechanics expert, Michael Hearrold, testified that a reasonable mechanic would have replaced the entire fuel line instead of attempting to splice out a portion and clamp it together. Hearrold explained that the attempted repair by Hutcheson Ford was not done properly because neither of the ends was flared.

Alles über die neuen Führerschein Klassen

Alles über die neuen Führerschein Klassen bei der Fahrschule Theorie + Praxis in München

Wir von der Fahrschule Theorie und Praxis bilden Sie für alle Führerscheinklassen aus.

Was für Fahrzeuge darf man mit welcher Führerscheinklasse fahren?


M – Mokick, Roller bis 50 ccm

A1 – Kleinkrafträder bis 125 ccm

A beschränkt – Motorräder bis 34 PS

A unbeschränkt – Motorräder ohne Leistungsbegrenzung

B – Autos bis 3,5 t

BE – Autos mit Anhänger über 3,5 t

C1 – Klein-LKW bis 7,5 t

C1E – Klein-LKW mit Anhänger bis 12 t

C – Große LKW je nach Anzahl der Achsen bis 40 t

CE – LKW-Gliederzug und LKW-Sattelzug bis 40 t

Achtung Stichtag! LKW-Schein jetzt machen und 2.500 Euro sparen!

D1 – Kleinbus bis 16 Sitzplätze

D1E – Kleinbus mit Anhänger

D – Bus ohne Sitzplatzbegrenzung

DE – Bus mit Anhänger

Friday, September 18, 2009

Auto: crisi di settore

Il significativo calo delle vendite delle auto dimostra come la crisi abbia l’feffetto di restringere la decisione d’acquisto solo nei casi non rimediabili in altro modo. Nessuna opposizione di Adiconsum – dichiara il Segretario Generale Paolo Landi – al rinnovo degli incentivi per l’acquisto dell’auto, ma non si tratta certo di misure risolutive della crisi del settore. Le campagne per la rottamazione non comportano aumenti delle vendite, ma piuttosto contengono le perdite. Adiconsum è convinta – dichiara Pietro Giordano, Segretario Nazionale – che il consumatore, nonostante gli ecoincentivi, abbia perso fiducia nel sistema complessivo dell’auto. La lista delle pratiche scorrette e delle amare sorprese è molto lunga e solo il coraggio di reimpostare il settore auto e il dialogo costante con le Associazioni dei consumatori potrà far rinascere il comparto produttivo. Adiconsum chiede al dott. Marchionne di avere coraggio nell’accompagnare la rinascita industriale del Gruppo con un approfondito esame dell’intero processo di vendita e assistenza tecnica unitamente alle Associazioni dei consumatori. Adiconsum è pronta a realizzare un tavolo permanente concertativo che realizzi anche una rivisitazione degli aspetti fiscali e assicurativi attualmente inadeguati ai tempi. Solo ragionando in termini di sistema e mettendo al centro il consumatore, come insegna Mario Monti, si potrà puntare a un reale rilancio del settore auto.

Illusionisti senza freni

un articolo di Massimo Donelli: Fonte:

Ma che bello, ma che grande sorpresa, ma quale novità! Sapete di che cosa si parlerà da oggi e per i prossimi 15 giorni al Salone di Francoforte? Si parlerà di auto elettriche. Ancora una volta i grandi costruttori cercheranno, come bravi illusionisti, di far credere che l’auto elettrica c’è, esiste, è pronta, è proprio lì, da guidare, da comprare. Bella, silenziosa, pulita, economica, compatibile, sostenibile…

Poi nel loro cilindro, nel loro baule e sotto il mantello scopri che c’è il trucco: che quelle auto fino ad oggi con il motore elettrico fanno pochissimi chilometri, che comunque hanno ancora bisogno di un motore a benzina che permetta loro di marciare e che economiche non potrebbero esserlo per niente visti i costi ancora altissimi delle batterie, soprattutto quelle al litio.

Ma la ricerca avanza imperterrita, la Grande Illusione non si arresta. Nella speranza di poter ricavare il massimo in futuro dai contributi governativi dei vari Paesi e nella convinzione che gli automobilisti abbiano una fame pazzesca di auto ecologiche. In realtà, e i dati sulle vendite con gli incentivi sono inconfutabili, gli automobilisti sono solo alla ricerca di vetture che sia poco costoso mantenere.

L’enorme successo ottenuto dai modelli a Gpl e metano (spinti dagli incentivi, va detto) lo dimostra chiaramente: +298% nei primi 8 mesi dell’anno. Saranno anche carburanti ecologici (specie il metano), ma, soprattutto, costano poco e, seppur ancora con qualche disagio, sono facilmente reperibili.

Ma evidentemente le indicazioni che arrivano da chi le auto le acquista servono a ben poco. Vero è che ormai quasi ogni casa ha in gamma auto a Gpl e metano. Ma è altrettanto vero che da oggi si tornerà ancora a parlare di elettrico. L’illusione continua.

Nikon D300 DX 12.3MP Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) Review

I couldn’t resist the temptation to purchase the D300 as a upgrade for my D200. However, I told myself that I would return the D300 if I felt it wasn’t a huge improvement over the D200. I was able to make that determination within minutes of opening the box. As soon as the D300 arrived I opened the box and inserted a freshly charged battery, a high speed CF card, and screwed on my Sigma 10-20 mm lens. Since this is a relatively slow lens (F4 to F5.6) I cranked up the ISO to 1600 and started shooting indoors. My impressions within 5 minutes of using the D300:

1. Low light auto focusing and overall capability is a significant improvement over the D200. With ISO at 1600 and using no flash, my Sigma 10-20 mm lens focused very quickly. My D200 would often hunt in low light, resulting in blurry shots. The contrast between light and dark areas is stunning!

2. Tremendous improvement over the D200 in overall noise. ISO 1600 is usable. I viewed images on my 20″ Imac at full screen and noise was very minimal. My D200 maxes out at a noisy 800. I can now take usable flash free pics indoors and not have to worry about using flash

3. 3″ LCD- Finally, an LCD lens that actually big enough and clear enough to display pics.

4. Viewfinder- A definite improvement over the D200. I love having a 100% viewfinder

5. Colors- Even without messing with any of the custom controls, colors are more vivid. The D200 is a bit washed out in comparison.

6. Build quality- I had no complaints w/ my D200 and it is nice to see that Nikon did not skimp with the D300.

Conclusion: The D300 is a remarkable improvement over the D200. Is it worth the price? For $1,799, I don’t think the D300 has any competition. Is it worth upgrading from to the D300 from the D200? To me, the blazing quick auto focus and outstanding low light capability alone are worth the price. The LCD screen and 100% viewfinder are icing on the cake. This is very likely the best DX format SLR available today.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Neues Auto, neues Glück

So, seit gestern Abend sind wir Besitzer eines neuen Autos. Baujahr 1990, über 200000km gelaufen, 3-türig, keine Servolekung, super! Ich freue mich! Glaubt ihr nicht? Ist aber so! Meinen ehemaligen Lieblingsarbeitskollegen bat ich um Mithilfe – wenn er jemanden kennt, der mal ein altes Auto verkaufen möchte usw. Nach einem kurzen Gespräch erwähnte er, dass er noch einen alten Golf in der Garage stehen hat. Den hat er sich mal fertig gemacht, aber fährt ihn nicht mehr, weil er jetzt ein Firmenwagen hat. Also sind wir gestern zur Besichtigung mit geliehenem Auto hingefahren und haben uns das Prachtstück mal angeschaut. Und – wir haben zugeschlagen! Es stand fest, als der Wagen ansprang – denn das ist schließlich die halbe Miete. Fahren konnten wir nicht, weil der Wagen nicht angemeldet war. Gefahren sind wir dann aber doch – im Dunkeln mit den alten ungültigen Nummerschlidern

Cooles Gefühl! Heute war ich beim Verkehrsamt und hab den Wagen angemeldet. Nun müssen wir ihn nur noch aus dem ca. 30km entfernten Ort abholen in der Hoffnung, dass er dann auch anspringt, denn mein Arbeitskollege fährt für 4 Wochen in der Urlaub. Aber ich glaube an das Auto und es wird uns bestimmt über den Winter bringen, denn Herr Kollege hat ihn komplett auseinander genommen, alles gereinigt und konserviert (wenn ich ihn richtig verstanden habe), neue Winterreifen hat er auch bekommen im letzten Jahr und mit einem Jahr TÜV kann er ebenfalls glänzen.

Aber es ist ja Wahnsinn was man an Geld für einen Autoanmeldung hinblättern muss. Halleluja. Mit Wunschkennzeichen ist man mal eben bei 70 Eurönchen.

Nun ja – wenn ich das Auto habe, werde ich selbstverständlich ein Foto reinstellen und dann überlegen wir uns alle zusammen einen schönen Namen okay?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Flashback, Rookie of the Year from Honda Tuning last September.

Last year around this time my good friend Eric was featured in Honda Tuning. ive known eric for a few years and he finally got some recognition for his sick ass DA. i really dont have much to say since im gonna post the article lol. much props to everyone involved.

Honda Tuning:

Eric Dixon’s ‘92 Integra LS

There are two undeniable truths in life: failure and success. Unfortunately, everyone experiences failures before achieving any amount of success. Life is ultimately a giant trial and error test. It’s sort of like talking to that girl you like and then somehow getting stuck in the friend zone-you never really get what you want without putting up with the things that you don’t. The same holds true in our community. Familiarizing oneself with Hondas without first learning what not to do is a rarity. It’s a given that error-free builds are few and far between. Mistakes are often what make things great, or at least unique. Such are the things that make for great stories and give a car its voice. These stories are what drive Internet forums and keep the community alive. This is where Eric Dixon’s story begins.

The Houston native was formally introduced to his ‘92 Integra as a graduation gift. “I never had any plans to modify the car,” Eric says, “but with the persistence of my friends, I couldn’t resist.” A virgin to Hondas, Eric decided to arouse himself with knowledge by doing research on his new partner. “I picked up a magazine at a bookstore and saw a few DAs in them and got hooked on wanting to mod mine. Tony Fuch’s DA was a huge inspiration, I fell in love and that pushed my need for speed,” he says. With zero races under his belt and barely any seat time, Eric deemed his car “Da Rooki3″ and went off on a stoplight-to-stoplight barrage against every car in the Lone Star state. Nobody’s condoning such behavior, including Eric, but that might just be because he was typically on the losing end. The losses began to add up so Eric began to look into local speed shops for assistance. An intake and header were installed in hopes of adding some extra kick but it still wasn’t enough power to win. Disappointed, he finally decided to hook up with a local shop to do something major: the ever-popular LS-VTEC conversion.

Thinking he had finally found the proper engine setup, Eric decided to modify his Integra’s footwork. Weds Sport SA-90 rollers made their way onto the chassis in the 15×7 form. Attached to the Weds are BFGoodrich g-Force street radials up front and Yokohama ES100s in the rear. The stock, aging springs, and shocks were removed in place of Ground Control coilovers and Koni dampers. Energy Suspension’s complete line of DA bushings was also installed to help keep essential suspension pieces in place.

The exterior had experienced gradual wear and tear over the years so Eric decided to respray the shell with a Nighthawk Black Pearl hue. Before sending it off to nearby Super Autobody, Eric contacted Mark’s Garage to pick up a Wings West RS body kit. The Integra was overdue for some much needed weight loss so the bulky stock hood and hatch were switched out and VIS carbon-fiber pieces were bolted on. The OEM side and rear glass windows are also long gone and supplanted with lightweight FAL Plexiglas.

Eric thought he had the makings for a sleek, fast ride but something just wasn’t right. “I wasn’t happy with the setup at all,” Eric says. “I wasn’t running any good times at the track and after having bad experiences with a couple of local shops, I felt I had wasted thousands of dollars.” Downtrodden, Eric turned to his good friends Bryan Jimenez and Juan Q of Jimenez Racing for advice. They both agreed that it was a good idea to have the car sent down to T1 Race Development, a relatively new shop spearheaded by SFWD champ Tony Palo. Everyone felt Tony was the guy who could finally finish Da Rooki3 and after a conversation with Tony himself, Eric agreed.

Unfortunately, transporting the Integra to T1 brought even more problems to light. “After hearing bad news after bad news from Tony with work that had been done wrong by previous shops, and spending more and more money, I came very close to just giving up on the car and selling it,” Eric says. He credits his friends and family with helping him cope with the problems and seeing them through. It would be tough for anyone to not be able to drive their pride and joy after three years of hard work. Da Rooki3 would spend its final six months in a shop before Tony handed Eric his invoice. What exactly does an invoice with six months worth of work at T1 Race Development include? Well, start with a fortified B18B1 block paired with a Golden Eagle block girdle and sleeves, Wiseco pistons, and Pauter rods. Mated to the block is a B16A2 cylinder head with Integra Type R camshafts, STR cam gears, and Supertech valves, springs, and retainers. Sitting at the top of the LS-VTEC engine is an incredibly rare, super baller, ENDYN carbon-fiber intake manifold. Completing this orgy of automotive bliss is a massive T4/T67 turbo from Precision. The giant snail is accompanied by a TiAL 46mm wastegate and blow-off valve combo, and mounted to the head with a Full Race turbo manifold. Exhaust gases are churned through a T1 Race Development 4-inch down pipe and testpipe before they make their way out to the atmosphere via a Thermal R&D 3-inch exhaust. Fuel distribution is managed by an Aeromotive pump and pressure regulator and delivered to the Precision 1,200cc injectors with a Golden Eagle fuel rail. By now, it’s likely such an invoice is getting ridiculously long, but as they say: “You gotta pay the cost to be the boss.” Being a boss means that Eric can’t allow his engine to overheat under pressure so a Fluidyne radiator was also installed in conjunction with a FAL slim fan and Mugen thermostat. An MSD Digital 6 ignition box directs spark along with MSD 8mm plug wires, and the Clutch Masters FX600 twin-disc clutch and flywheel beef up the stock transmission and ensure that all that power makes its way to the floor. With all of this power Eric expected to make, safety became a major issue so he installed a pair of Sparco seats and safety harnesses. Street and Strip was then called upon to fabricate a six-point rollcage to stiffen the 16-year-old chassis.

“I finally got some good news,” Eric says. “We were able to make around 400 hp on 10 pounds of boost and 573 hp on high boost with the tires spinning off the dyno!” With better tires, even higher numbers are expected. Eric is quick to remind everyone that he is incredibly thankful for the friends and family who pushed him along the way when he wanted to give up on Da Rooki3. So, when it’s all said and done, has Eric lost any more races? “The car has yet to see any track time, but I’m confident that I will be more than happy with the outcome when I get there.”

Bolts & Washers



B16A2 cylinder head

Golden Eagle sleeves

Golden Eagle block girdle

Golden Eagle LS-VTEC kit

Wiseco pistons

Pauter connecting rods

Moroso oil pan

Moroso oil pickup

ITR oil pump

Fluidyne radiator

Fluidyne radiator cap

FAL slim fan

Mugen thermostat

Fluidampr harmonic damper

ITR camshafts

STR cam gears

Supertech valves

Supertech valvesprings

Supertech retainers

AEBS head studs

Power Enterprise timing belt

Aeromotive fuel pump

Aeromotive fuel pressure regulator

Precision 1,200cc fuel injectors

Golden Eagle fuel rail

Paxton fuel filter

Custom fuel sump

Precision T4/T67 turbo

TiAL 46mm wastegate

T1 Race Development intercooler piping

ENDYN carbon-fiber intake manifold

BDL throttle body

Precision intercooler

TiAL blow-off valve

Wiggins hose clamps

Hondata intake manifold gasket

Full-Race turbo manifold

T1 Race Development 4-inch down pipe

Thermal Research and Development 3-inch exhaust

T1 Race Development testpipe

MSD 8mm spark plug wires

MSD Digital 6 ignition

MSD Blaster coil

Skunk2 short shifter

Clutch Masters FX600 twin-disc clutch

Clutch Masters FX600 flywheel

Quaife limited-slip differential

Gator axles

Golden Eagle scatter shield

1992 Acura Integra Ls Front Interior View

1992 Acura Integra Ls Front Interior View


Ground Control coilovers

Koni yellow shocks

Suspension Techniques antiroll bars

Energy Suspension bushings

Full-Race traction bars

Full-Race crossmember


Power Slot rotors

AEM pads

Goodridge steel braided lines

Rims & Rubber:

15×7 Weds Sport SA-90 (+38 offset)

205/50-15 BFGoodrich g-Force (front)

205/50-15 Yokohama AVS ES100 (rear)

ARP extended studs

Skunk2 lug nuts


Nighthawk Black Pearl paint

Wings West RS body kit

VIS carbon-fiber hood

VIS carbon-fiber hatch

Carbon-fiber sunroof plug

FAL rear and side windows

JDM headlights

Bolts & Washers


Sparco Speed seats

Sparco harnesses

Sparco steering wheel

Sparco hub

Street and Strip six-point rollcage

Turbo XS dual stage boost controller

Neptune engine management

Autometer boost, oil, and fuel pressure gauges

T1 Race Development dash kit

1992 Acura Integra Ls Rear View

1992 Acura Integra Ls Rear View


Tony Palo and T1 Race Development

Bryan and Juan at Jimenez Racing

Mark at Team Destiny

Braddah Nick Peshi



The VIPs at

Peter and Sop at PYR





Everyone else who stood behind me

Owner Specs

Most Played in the iPod:

Tomorrows Bad Seeds

Favorite kicks:

Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars

Recent DVD:


Bogus Traffic Ticket:

Street racing (more than a couple)

Mac Or PC:

PC, even though it’s broken

Favorite Non-Honda:

Lexus IS F

Porn Star Pick:

All of them!

Hottest model:

Jasmin Alejandrino and Christine Mendoza

finally the pics.

Canon 5DMark II for sports shooting

5DMKII , 70-200mm f/4 IS USM L , & a decent monopod, has been working wonderfully for various sports.

I shot the Winter season of indoor basketball-soccer, and Spring season of kids soccer with no issues at all, some 5,000 shots.

I’m now on the Fall session of U11 U12 traveling soccer league. I find the AF of the 5D2 more than adequate. To keep computer/processing time down I shoot jpeg, nailing all the settings in the camera.

Here are the settings I currently use.

AutoFocus Settings

AI Servo

Continuous Shooting

Manual Selection of Center point with AF point area expansion on

AF is set to AF-ON button only (not shutter release)

Shutter release instigates IS, metering, and release.

Metering is set to Center-weighted average (I find this setting quite reliable and consistent)

Exposure is on Aperture priority f/5.6 for that lens, tack sharp.

ISO 200 (this typically keeps my shutter speed near 1/1000 second)

I use the thumb wheel to use exposure compensation for when the action moves into a strong side lit or back lit subject, thus compensating up to +1.666 ev and at times -ev to add visual weight to images)

Image Settings

To keep computer time down, I try to nail the picture settings. Set at large JPEG (+RAW if I have the card space, but typically I don’t reprocess the RAWs if I did my job with setting up for jpegs) The best scenario is to create your own in Picture Style Editor. You can nail down 95% of the colors, but if your team has some colors that are on the fringe of the gamut, picture style editor will give you the ability to do special tweaks to really match team standards if needed. For example, the teams I shoot have a real nice red jersey. But if I try to accurately capture that red within 2 delta e’s, I’ll sacrifice my subjects skin tones. I end up letting the jerseys hue going a bit yellow in the reds. You can fix this in PSE by adding a few hue-saturation adjustment points.

If you use a canned setting, I find these settings quite good. (note, these settings are based on customers ordering prints at MPix and the high propensity for the client base to want colorful saturated and contrasty images, your taste maybe different)

WB-Nailing the WB is obviously the most critical part for good color. I’m typically shooting mid day with mostly sunny skies. I manually set the WB around 6500 (+/-500), also, I’m constantly tweaking the WB shift. Nothing too extreme, a few clicks off of center. I find Canon’s custom WB function a bit flakey. Sometimes it’s great, other times, I find it made a bad choice.

Highlight tone priority on

Auto Lighting Optimizer on

Color space sRGB for more support and consistency for print fulfillment.

Picture style: Standard*

*Sharpness 6

*Contrast -2


*Color Tone (only changed when the WB shift isn’t giving me what I need, usually if the flesh tones are needing some red, set to -1, too red, set to +1)

Note about using exposure compensation. Mastering this dial can be crucial in the final look of your images. While shooting if you find the camera making judgements and producing images visually too bright, don’t be afraid to dial in some weight by setting some -1/3 or more. This dial works similar to working with curves in photoshop. Having the ability to make quick image adjustments that will appeal to your clients without using a computer is a big plus and time saver. It’s ok if part of an image is blown out. It’s ok if part of the images has dark 3/4 tones and shadows. I dare say making a technically perfect exposed photo is great for forum posting, but not always the best creative choice for the final image sale.

Make a quick assessment of what is it your clients really want to see, and use this as your guide. People love to see the expressions. Faces and eyes during strain and contact are huge.  My clients like bold color. Be predictive in your shutter release. Try framing your images as tight as possible for good storytelling. I use to shoot with a Nikon D3. The FPS speed is a sure luxury. But, even with all that velocity under your finger, I still found I like to “tap” the shutter at the precise moment. I rarely shoot a camera like a machine gun. In fact, last year I shot a few games with a Canon Rebel XSi for fun. The results were more than acceptable. If you have any computer gaming under your belt you will have ample training in this kind of process. Unreal tournament, Halo, Quake, Fallout, etc… All of these are great exercise’s in predictive reactioning. (it’s a word) Also, it well help you feel better about those countless hours you spent gaming when you could have been climbing K2 or pondering Existential Psychotherapy.

Dial in your camera, learn your clients wants and needs, hone your shooting mechanics, get comfortable with your print fulfillment results, and you’ll be treated to images that are on par with the professionals.

La CO2, le utilitarie e le tasse

Nota di Pao: Pubblico un interessante post di Maurizio Caprino che giustamente fa notare come i dati pubblicati risentano di un ciclo di omogolazione teorico e non realistico e permesso da norme che permettono ai Costruttori di dichiarare consumi inferiori del 30% rispetto alla realtà; va da sè che le emissioni risultano molto più basse del vero.

Ne ho parlato a suo tempo in questo articolo:


Oggi gli Amici della Terra hanno diffuso i dati sulle emissioni di CO2 delle auto vendute in Europa nel 2008 (Scarica Emissioni di CO2 dalle auto Transport Environment stila la classifica dei costruttori – Un comunicato congiunto di Legambiente e Amici della Terra). Per elaborarli ci vuole tempo, perché occorre moltiplicare le emissioni (teoriche, perché misurate nel ciclo di omologazione, che è poco realistico però almeno è uguale per tutti) di un certo modello per ciascun esemplare in cui è stato venduto.

Comunque, la Fiat resta in testa, seguita da Peugeot-Citroen e altri produttori generalisti. Nessuna sorpresa: per loro è più facile ben figurare, perché vendono in prevalenza modelli piccoli, che quindi consumano ed emettono poco. Le differenze tra un costruttore e l’altro, in questa fascia, potrebbero essere dovuto non solo – come generalmente si scrive – alla bravura “ecologica” del costruttore, ma anche alla sua scarsa capacità di marketing (vende meno modelli medi e grossi – che sono di solito più remunerativi – rispetto alla diretta concorrenza).

Rispetto al 2007 i miglioramenti più cospicui li fanno BMW e Mazda, prima penalizzate da vendite su segmenti alti e ora in recupero perché i tedeschi si stanno impegnando più di tutti ad alleggerire le loro auto grandi e i giapponesi hanno tirato fuori la Mazda2, un’utilitaria leggera e finalmente di successo.

A livello di Paesi, la Francia balza al secondo posto, dietro il Portogallo. Questo mi pare il dato più importante, perché strettamente collegabile alla nuova tassazione delle auto con premi e penalità basati sulla CO2, che ha debuttato proprio nel 2008. A conferma che lo strumento più efficace per tagliare le emissioni è quello fiscale, ovviamente a patto che premi e penalità non siano risibili.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2011 Bentley Mulsanne: One Eye On The China Market?

Will Bentley Follow The Success Of Rolls-Royce In The Chinese Market? Or Will More Chinese Luxury Buyers Opt For Rival Brands?

The Bentley Mulsanne includes many features popular in the Chinese market, such as a spacious interior and chauffeur-ready driver's seat

As we’ve pointed out time and time again, with the global doldrums cutting into the vehicle budgets of many luxury consumers in developed markets like North America, Japan and Europe, high-end car companies like Rolls-Royce have increasingly looked to emerging markets like China to get them through the economic crisis and create a new, loyal buyer’s market. As Chinese luxury models become more prevalent (and popular) over time and truly begin to rival the dominant luxury models by BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche, automakers at the highest end are already starting to plan ahead for a strong China strategy to ensure their brands remain at the top of the heap for years to come.

Following the lead of the 2010 Porsche Panamera, which was unveiled at this year’s Shanghai Auto Show, Bentley has taken the lid off of its 2011 Mulsanne, with what is sure to be an eye towards the Chinese market — where the country’s ultra-rich still have no domestic alternative that can match Bentley quality. After making its initial debut in August, the Mulsanne has become the talk of the high-end luxury scene, not least because it is the first all-new Bentley model to roll off the production line since the 1930s. As Motor Authority writes, though this car is most certainly beyond the budgets of most lustful car enthusiasts, it is a sight to behold and has an engine to match:

Named for the 90-degree turn at Le Mans, the Mulsanne arrives in the middle of next year with a pricetag likely approaching $300,000, before any custom finishes or materials are specified.

The design’s a blend of a traditional silhouette with some modern detailing, less so than the smaller Continental range. Echoing the Bentley S-Type of the 1950s, the Mulsanne features a bold frontal design dominated by the traditional Bentley matrix grille and highly prominent round inner headlamps with chrome surrounds, flanked by two smaller outboard lamp clusters. The iconic ‘Flying B’ retractable radiator mascot is available as an option. Uniquely designed 20-inch wheels (and optional 21-inch) reinforce the Mulsanne’s powerful, sporting stance.

So what does this powerful, pricey beast have to do with China? Well, for one thing, China has rapidly emerged as one of Bentley’s most important markets, with sales increasing 93% over the previous year back in 2007, the announcement by Bentley that it expects sales in China to overtake U.S. sales by 2012, and recent reports suggesting that Bentley’s sales will show growth in 2009 despite ongoing global economic uncertainty. Since entering the Chinese market in 2001, Bentley has seen the number of its cars on the roads in China increase from a little over 100 to upwards of 1,000 — with expectations that this number will grow by 1,000 year-over-year by 2012.  The Mulsanne will most definitely become a feature on the more luxurious streets in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou — where Bentley opened a new dealership to much fanfare only two months ago.

With wealthy Chinese becoming world-class investors and asset diversifiers, we can expect to see a number of these new Bentleys residing within extravagant courtyard estates and becoming the newest must-have among that country’s super-rich — alongside luxury watches and jewelry, contemporary Chinese art, fine wines and a set of top-of-the-line golf clubs.

Lupta gigantilor auto.

Cam pe la inceputul acestui an, pe principalul boulevard din Santa Monica – statul California – a aparut un billboard de la Audi, cu un provocator slogan catre un concurent suparat:

“Your move, BMW = BMW, esti la mutare”

Raspunsul celor de la BMW nu s-a lasat prea mult asteptat. Pe partea cealalta a bulevardului, in foarte scurt timp, a rasarit un billboard care urmeaza logica Audi-ului:


Cum a inceput, de fapt?

Era prin 2006 cand cei de la BMW au afisat un astfel de anunt:

PR-istilor de la Audi nu le-a trebuit prea mult timp sa inventeze un raspuns, asa ca, la scurt timp dupa aceea,

A aparut in ziare urmatoarea reclama:

Poate ca s-ar fi terminat asa totul daca nu ar fi aparut Subaru, care, judecand dupa aparente, a dorit sa atraga atentia asupra sa:

Se putea astepta ca si alti producatori sa se arunce in “actiune”…

Insa, totul a fost oprit, anulat, de o reclama care a facut sa anuleze orice sansa de continuare

A “razboiului”


Ruuhkat ovat ärsyttäviä, kukaan ei voi nauttia ruuhkassa ajamisesta. Onneksi oma työmatkani kulkee Helsingistä Espooseen – siis ruuhkaa vastaan –  ja vieläpä ruuhka-ajan ulkopuolella. Jos minun pitäisi ajaa joka aamu esimerkiksi Espoosta Helsinkiin ruuhkaista länsiväylää pitkin, niin jäisi kyllä ajamatta. Olen muutamana aamuna mennyt töihin hieman aikaisemmin ja ihmetellyt, kuinka työmatkalaiset jaksavat aamusta toiseen seistä autoineen jonossa. Minä kyllä hyppäisin bussin kyytiin, jos ei fillarilla jaksaisi tai ehtisi ajaa.

Mietin usein, että ovat nämä kaikki autoilijat sellaisia, joiden on “pakko” ajaa autolla työmatka ajan, jatkoyhteyksien tai puutteelliseen poikittaisliikenteen takia vai eivätkö he vain halua mennä rahvaan sekaa bussiin istumaan. Ei jonossa seisominen voi olla kovin nautinnollista ja kyllä bussilla pääsee nopeammin bussikaistojen ansiosta. Muutaman vuoden päästä ainakin Länsiväylän tilanne helpottuu, kun länsimetro valmistuu. Mikäli vannoutuneimmat autoilijat suostuvat astumaan metron kyytiin.

Ruuhkattomuudesta huolimatta taidan jättää auton tänään kotiin ja mennä fillarilla.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Securistii nesimtiti din Comisia de Supraveghere a Asigurarilor

Extras “despre EI” (de pe propriul site):

“Misiunea Comisiei de Supraveghere a Asigurărilor este de a pune în aplicare legislația din domeniul asigurărilor imparțial, cu onestitate și promptitudine; de a proteja, în temeiul legii, consumatorii de produse de asigurări; de a încuraja formarea unei piețe sănătoase a asigurărilor; de a promova necesitatea unei mai bune serviri a interesului public.

În acest scop, vor fi impuse și respectate cele mai înalte standarde de etică, profesionale și de calitate a muncii în toate relațiile, formale și informale, cu persoanele, agențiile și companiile asupra cărora au efecte politicile și acțiunile Comisiei.”

Pana AICI suna incurajator… insa, contrar INTERESULUI PUBLIC si INALTELOR STANDARDE DE ETICA, aceasta structura MAFIOTA-SECURISTA nu-si poate indeplinii atributiile decat CU PLATA IN “AUR“- pardon, rectific – CU VENITURI DE 10 – 15 MII EURO/luna!!!

Iata si componenta acestui CLAN MAFIOT – Consiliul Comisiei de Supraveghere a Asigurărilor:

  • Președinte – doamna Angela Toncescu (numită prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr.23/28.06.2006, pentru un mandat de 5 ani)
  • Vicepresedinte – domnul Tudor Baltă (numit prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr.23/28.06.2006, pentru un mandat de 5 ani)
  • Vicepreședinte – domnul Constantin Buzoianu (numit prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr.23/28.06.2006, pentru un mandat de 5 ani)
  • Membru – domnul Albin Biro (reinvestit prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr.68/12.09.2007, pentru un mandat de 5 ani, cu începere din data de 12 septembrie 2007)
  • Membru – domnul Dan Constantinescu (numit prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr.28/17.11.2003, pentru un mandat de 5 ani, cu începere din data de 17 noiembrie 2003)
  • Membru – domnul Corneliu Moldoveanu (numit prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr.23/28.06.2006, pentru un mandat de 5 ani)
  • Membru – doamna Aurelia Cristea (numită prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr.23/28.06.2006, în continuarea mandatului domnului Tudor Baltă, aprobat prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr.23/2004, până la data de 15 decembrie 2009)

Angela Toncescu – Presedinte – conform declaratiei de avere, are un venit anual “conform fisei fiscale“, adica ascuns ochilor prostimii, de nici mai mult nici mai putin – aprox. 15 mii Euro/luna!!!

Colegii domniei sale se situeaza intre 10-14 mii Euro/luna.

Chiar daca nu-i deconspira PRESA fisa fiscala, ne putem da seama din propria declaratie de avere ca incepand cu 2006 – anul numirii in functie – “onesta” doamna Angela Toncescu a excelat in “succesuri” in business manifestand un apetit spontan pentru achizitii imobiliare – terenuri … cu hectarele in Arges (bineinteles pe numele sotului!!), imobil in Bucuresti si conturi proaspete…

Beneficiul muncii acestui CLAN arunca in derizoriu si controversatele venituri ale aviatorilor ori magistratilor…

Unii colegi, chestionati cu privire la veniturile lunare din fisa fiscala, refuza sa-si aminteasca incasarile de 13-14 mii euro/luna din decembrie 2008!!!! (inclin sa-i cred … caci – NU!? – se numara printre cei ce nu duc grija banilor!)

Daca veniturile membrilor Consiliului Comisiei de Supraveghere a Asigurarilor sunt cele “din fisa fiscala” inseamna ca ne confruntam cu un excedent financiar pe piata asigurarilor, atat timp cat “Comisia își aprobă bugetul de venituri și cheltuieli în virtutea statutului de autoritate autonomă, autofinanțată (art.5 lit. o) din Legea nr.32/2000, cu modificările și completările ulterioare), informând Parlamentul asupra execuției acestuia”.

Prin urmare,  NU se justifica cresterile primelor de asigurare!! SI …,totusi…, ele cresc…   si tot CRESC…

DE CE?????? Ca sa acoperim salariile acestui CLAN de SECURISTI-MAFIOTI-NESIMTITI!!!!!!!!????????

DE CE noi romanii suntem asa dezbinati??? DE CE sa nu luam atitudine????

GRECII spre exemplu ar protesta cu mic cu mare si, probabil, n-ar mai plati nicio asigurare obligatorie pana nu s-ar alinia toate aceste clanuri oficiale ale mafiei institutionalizate la salarii oneste.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Incendiul din Pipera. De ce unii injura anvelopele de ...mama focului?

Sunt cativa dintre noi rau, da’ rau dusi cu pluta – multi ziaristii si reporterii au hamait impotriva anvelopelor – Catalin Radu Tanase ( specializat in dezastre) de la porc tv urla intr-un elicopter ca anvelopele sunt inflamabile si la prima scanteie apare dezastrul … in primul rand anvelopele nu iau foc, asa din senin – cine nu crede il rog sa incerce sa aprinda cu o bricheta sau cu o tigara o anvelopa. La fel un amestec de soventi (asa au declarat autoritatile – ca anvelopele erau depozitate langa solventi !) cu cauciuc in flacari NU SE RASPUNDE CU APA. Iar despre poluare ma pufneste rasul – pai unde credeti ca se duc zecile de tone de particule de cauciuc vulcanizat rezultate in urma uzarii anvelopelor aflate in trafic? aveti plamani? respirati? da’ de sol ati auzit? sol din care cresc plantele pe care la consumam zilnic? Asta doar despre anvelope. In rest detergentii utilizati in consumul casnic, deversati in canalizare si dusi pe apa … oare nu va intrebati unde ajung? beti apa minerala sau plata? consumati peste ?


MCLaren MP4-12C

Altra chicca a Francoforte quest’anno. Si tratta dell’erede (in molti aspetti non troppo lontana) della storica McLaren F1, a tutt’oggi punto di riferimento delle supercar di mezzo mondo. L’eredità che riceve è immensa, vediamo se può considerarsi adatta a farlo…

McLaren ha ammesso che la vettura è nata tenendo in considerazione soluzioni tecnologiche già interne alla Casa anche se sono presenti astute innovazioni in termini di scocca ed elettronica provenienti direttamente dalla Formula 1.

Prima assoluta novità è il motore: un V8 3.8 litri biturbo sviluppato esclusivamente per questa MP4 che sviluppa più di 600 CV di potenza e 600 Nm di coppia massima, il cui 80% è già disponibile sotto i soli 2000 giri/min). Il cambio è un doppia frizione a 7 rapporti con paddles al volante: come per la concorrenza (Ferrari 458?) la centralina permette numerose modalità di guida (auto, sport, inverno e launch control), la particolarità sta nel fatto che sia “spingendo” che “tirando”, per esempio, il paddle di destra di può aumentare marcia e lo stesso per quello di sinistra. Le prestazioni, ancora non ufficiali, parlano di uno 0-100 km/h in meno di 3.5 secondi con una massima over 320 orari che la proiettano in una nicchia di mercato riservata a pochissime grandi vetture. Da quanto trapela da indiscrezioni giornalistiche gli ingenieri McLaren sarebbero stati attenti anche all’impatto ambientale di questa supercar; avrebbero infatti dichiarato che le emissioni di CO2 sarabbero le più basse di qualsiasi altra vettura in vendita con motore a scoppio.

Tutto questo è ottenuto grazie a una giungla di accorgimenti tecnologici che potrebbero portare alla nuova McLaren la leadership nel segmento delle supercar medie.

La struttura portante dell’auto è la cosiddetta “monocella in carbonio”: un telaio portante che fornisce grandissima rigidità e robustezza alla scocca dell’auto tagliando notevolmente sul peso essendo costruita in carbonio. L’utilizzo di questo materiale assicura all’auto una linea meno ingombrante e una dinamica più filante.

Il peso è ancora ridotto grazie all’utilizzo di materiali innovativi quali speciali leghe di alluminio per i freni, cerchi alleggeriti e posizionamento intelligente di tutti i componenti della vettura.

In Casa McLaren sono anche stati studiati sistemi sostitutivi alle barre anti rollio, sospensioni attive e un nuovo tipo di differenziale per l’asse posteriore. Aspetteremo i primi test stradali per vedere se tutta questa tecnologia abbia veramente ragione di esistere.

Ora veniamo al design della carrozzeria. Lo stile è inconfondibilmente McLaren e, a mio parere, qualcosa della progenitrice rimane, quanto meno nelle forme (non prendendo in considerazione le porte ad apertura verticale). Le linee sono molto diverse dalle classiche supercar made in Italy, e questo potrebbe far storcere il naso ad alcuni. Sinceramente a un primo impatto l’ho trovata una vettura molto ben costruita ma, a uno sguardo più attento, trovo qualcosa che non mi convince nelle linee; o meglio, quel qualcosa che non la porta nell’Olimpo delle supercar.

Ah dimenticavo! Il nome non è certo dei più memorizzabili, vediamo di spiegare l’arcano: MP4 è il riferimento alle carrozzerie dei modelli McLaren di F1; 12 è il punteggio che ha ottenuto questa vettura dopo i test segreti in McLaren (prendendo in considerazione, peso, prestazioni, emissioni nocive e aerodinamica); mentre C denota la presenza della scocca in carbonio.

La Mp4-12C verrà lanciata sul mercato nel 2011 a un prezzo approssimativo di circa 175 mila euro. Forse nemmeno troppo anche se per dirlo bisognerà aspettare il verdetto degli acquirenti delle mille unità annuali che sono in progetto.



Saturday, September 12, 2009

Nikon D40 6.1MP the smallest Digital SLR Camera (Body) Review

Image quality of the D40 is very good which is #1 factor that I look for in a digital camera.

Here are the pros and cons of the D40 in my opinion:


1. Nice out of the camera result picture quality

2. Affordable price

3. Compact size and light weight

4. Large and bright 2.5 inch LCD

5. 2.5 frames per second

6. B/W, Sepia, several more in-camera editing features.

7. Instant power on, fast autofocus and no shutter lag

8. Noise is acceptable at high ISO settings. Auto ISO settings available.

9. Great 18-55mm II AF-S kit lens.

10. Great battery life (400+ on a single charge. 1000+ if flash is not used).

11. Auto (flash off) mode available

12. 1/500 flash sync


1. No direct button to change QUAL, WB and ISO settings

2. Grip comfortably but might be a bit too small for some people

3. No top LCD and no front command dial

4. Autofocus will not work with non AF-S or non AF-I lenses (such as the 70-300m G and 50mm f/1.8D lens)

5. No AF/MF switch (have to use the switch on the lens)

6. Only 3 autofocus point

7. 6 Megapixel (More Megapixel needed to print larger than 12 X 18 at 300 dpi)

8. No night landscape mode in pre-programmed settings

9. No in camera image stabilization (like Sony and Pentax) but Nikon has lenses with it (VR).

10. No depth-of-field preview button

In conclusion, the D40 is perfect for those who want high quality pictures, more control (than a point and shoot camera), and have a DSLR experience (instant power on and no shutter lag), without having to carry a bulky camera. And unless you are shooting sports/actions professionaly (which faster focusing processor, faster frames per second and larger memory buffer might be needed), the D40 is pretty much all you will need.

Happy Photographing!

Sidarta Tanu
